We are excited to invite you to our Blind Date with a Book... Swap!
Join us at the Ahren's Memorial Library September 13th 6p-8p. Hors D'oeuvres and Refreshments will be provided. Free for Members and $10 for Non-members.
Bring any Book wrapped valued at $20 and write some non spoiler hints about your book on the outside of your book wrap.
If book is under value you can even add goodies (bookmarks, stickers, a paint brush, etc.) which can hint at what book is about.
Get Creative!!! Hope to see you all there!
The HSO will also be announcing the result of new nominations for some vacant positions. Don't forget nominations are still open for 1st Vice President, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Publicity Chair, Ways and Means, and Historian Chair. You can nominate yourself or others (please make sure they would like to run). We would love to serve this community with you!